Here are a couple pictures of a tugboat I made out of diapers, held together with nothing but straight pins and elastic bands! We used these for centerpieces for the sweet table.
Life saver candies hung from red ribbon on the sides with a straight pin stuck into the diaper.
The smoke stack on the upper deck is the inside roll from a roll of paper towels that was painted black and wedged in between the diapers
I used golf tees to wind the twine around on the 'upper deck' and the tees just tucked in between the rolled diapers. Each tugboat had its own name - S.S. Bradley and S.S. Snuggle Bug.
The nautical cookies turned out adorable!
I cut the tags to measure 2 x 4" and stamped them using 2 different Stampin Up stamp sets.
Here are a couple of pictures of my beautiful family
parents to be
Joanna and Dana
Jake's cousin supplied the most necessary gift of all for the new dad - a tool belt filled with all the necessary supplies needed to feed and change a dirty diaper! Hysterical!
Needless to say the shower was a success!
Enjoy your week!